A Prayer of St Ignatius Loyola

A Prayer of St Ignatious Loyola was commissioned by a friend of mine for his son’s Baptism. It is written for treble (or soprano) voices, with some dividing into two parts, and accompanied by either organ or piano. This piece is unashamedly melodic, based on an opening motif that is developed and woven through both the vocal parts and accompaniment as the piece progresses, returning in a more obvious form with the ‘Amen’.

A Prayer of St Ignatious Loyola was first performed by the Boy Choristers of Canterbury Cathedral on 23 May 2015, under the direction of Dr David Flood.

Thanks are due for the original commission, to those who suggested the text of the prayer, and to David Flood and the choristers of Canterbury Cathedral for agreeing to include the piece in the Baptism service.

FREE to download today to celebrate St Ignatious’ Day!

Lullay, mine liking

Threaded through this piece is a tender lullaby, sung to the infant Jesus as he is cradled in Mary’s arms – a recurring theme that holds the piece together like the refrain in a traditional carol. Breaking this up is the dialogue of an anonymous observer; the mood of each of these episodes varies both in the text and the way the text is set, but given continuity through common musical motifs, developed as the piece progresses.

Lullay, mine Liking was performed for the first time during the service of Readings and Carols for Christmas at St Stephen’s Church, Canterbury on 23rd December 2013, and subsequently in Westminster Abbey as the anthem at Choral Evensong on 31st December 2013.

Man that is born of woman

Man that is born of woman is a setting of the penitential rite from Common Worship, suitable for use at a number of different services. Threaded through is a rich-textured homophonic setting of the refrain, interspersed with contrasting plainsong influenced verses.

Salisbury Fauxbourdons

A set of plainsong Fauxbourdons for the Magnificat, set to tone II2, and the Nunc Dimittis to tone IV4. These were first performed by St Stephen’s Church Choir when they sang Choral Evensong in Salisbury Cathedral on Wednesday 5th April 2017, to high acclaim from members of the congregation and the Dean of Salisbury.

The Reproaches

The Reproaches were first performed on Good Friday 2018 in St Stephen's Church Canterbury.
