Music for 29th October 2017

Thank you to everyone who has agreed to come and sing at my rather self-indulgent Evensong. Some of you have asked for copies of the music so the easiest way I could think of was to put everything I could on this page as pdf files for you to view at your leisure! There is no need to bring any music with you though, I’ll have copies of everything on the day.

Introit: A Prayer of St Ignatius Loyola (Soprano and Alto only)

Preces and Responses (Tenor and Bass only)

Psalm 132: Watch this space…!

Canticles: Salisbury Fauxbourdons

Anthem: Hail gladdening Light

Hymn tune: Christ’s Glory

Descant to Thou whose almighty word

Descant to We have a Gospel to proclaim

Bless, O Lord, us thy servants